My gt grandmother, Eva Ida Frost McGill, (center with square neck dress) with siblings and descendants. I believe this picture was taken in Edmond Oklahoma, around early 1920s. Eva's two sisters are on the right, Kitty Frost and husband Dr. Levi Reichard, and Eliza Frost Morgan. The occasion must have been the Reichards' visit, as they lived in Stuart, NE, and such a long trip would be rare. My father, Dan Griffin, is a teenager, on back row left, behind his mother, Hattie and beside his father Charley Griffin. I love the joy in this family gathering.

A day at the beach, near Alhambra, California, during the 1930s. Two Oklahoma cousins, Mamie McGill, 2nd from left, and Evana Bunstine, far right, visit their Frost relatives near their home in California. The older man and woman would be Lew and Alice Frost. Others are children and grandchildren of Lew and Alice. Lew was the brother of my gt grandmother, Eva Frost McGill. We love to see this fully dressed family, gathering at the beach for their photo.
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